The past week we have been tying up loose ends, both literally and figuratively.
Cadence is threading ceramic beads onto cords and tying 2 adjustable knots to make 1000 bracelets. This has been an ambitious project. Sara and Cadence hand-formed the beads from clay. Then Sara underglazed and imprinted each with a leaf, fired the beads, overglazed, and fired again. Then Cadence lettered the word "RE-fest" on the back of each bead before stringing onto the cord. The bracelets will be sold at
RE-fest and the proceeds used to plant trees in Austin, MN. (Six finished bracelets are stacked on Cadence's wrist in this photo.)
Rog and I have been busy every spare moment working on the figurative loose ends that go with selling our house and buying a farm. This week we accomplished all the things needed to satisfy our buyers after the inspection: installed a railing along the basement stairs, a deadbolt lock on the balcony door, and had the plumbing & heating guys put in a new water heater, metal dryer vent, new gas line valves and inspect the boiler. There has been a mountain of assorted forms to sign with the bank and realtor. And, of course, we have been gathering boxes, purging and packing, lining up moving trucks, arranging for disconnection and re-connection of utilities, figuring out internet provider, etc.
Oh my gosh --In two short weekends we move!