Thursday, November 1, 2012


The past several days I have been blessed with morning glories blooming on the kitchen window ledge.
Last spring, I planted two morning glories on either side of the gate, which grew in two humongous, thriving plants on the picket fence, but with no flowers. By October (this photo was take October 3) they were  covered in buds and so close to finally blooming that for several nippy nights I wrapped them up in dozens of sheets and table cloths to protect them from frost. Still, nary a blossom. Finally I gave up on  covering them and pulled the plants out, but first I picked a couple of stems with buds and put into a glass of water. Now, in November, they are finally rewarding me with flowers.
A few mornings ago while feeding the cows, there was a bright jet stream spanning the sky over the high tunnel, creating a sort of mysterious landscape.
One evening,  after watering the  plants in the hight tunnel, I turned off the hose sprayer but forgot to turn off the hydrant at the other end of the hose. Mist sprayed out at a hose connection all night and froze into a sea-anemone-like ice sculpture in the grass.
This kind of makes me want to do something similar on purpose and make a big, crazy ice sculpture in the yard this winter!

1 comment:

Misty Pines Homestead said...

Oh morning glories are great plants.I really like honey suckles ! Thhose are two big plants you had.