Thursday, October 7, 2010

October a.m. Chores

On an autumn day like this when we are having glorious Indian Summer weather, getting up early and doing the chores is no chore at all!

LaFonda and Lariat make sure to graze in full view of the barn door from which I emerge each morning with an armload of hay. As soon as they hear the latch click, they raise their heads and trot down the hill eagerly to eat breakfast.
The chickens file out of the coop when I open the door, glowing  in the morning sun.  The oldest chickens exit first, followed by the younger hens and then the little chicks.
As usual, I can't resist taking a morning photo of our vista to the east. This must be the most thoroughly documented view in SE Minnesota.
An old milk can at the door of the barn is now an oversized vase.
A pot of orange and yellow striped mums blazes in the sunshine.


Ribbit said...

Oh my goodness those pictures are frameable. I just love the chicken one and the milk jug one.

Marie said...

love all of them especially LaFonda & Lariet (sp?) ... do you still sing to her - I bet she misses it !

katiegirl said...

Your farm is just beautiful! And I too have been enjoying chores with the cooler weather!