Saturday, July 25, 2015

Hothouse Day, Literally

How the heck did we get blessed with so many awesome friends, such as these folks who offered to help work on the greenhouse today? Did I mention that it was  over 90 degrees and tropically humid today while we worked in a space that increases the effect of  heat and sunshine?  Here we are this morning, just getting started - with 15  panels to install (7 of which were installed in April but blew out in a huge windstorm.)
Six hours later, we were  sliding in the final panel!
Interior view of sliding in the last panel. It takes a minimum of six people to safely slide in a panel, including two to hold the ladders steady.

Dave working at the peak, at the very top of the  14-foot ladder.
Ira intrepidly working at the top of the extension ladder tied to the frame of the greenhouse.
Rog atop the scaffolding, viewed through the inside of the greenhouse.
This gives you an idea of how high up we were working.
Admiring our work, after installing the final panel.
Thanks, Randy, for spending your birthday doing sweaty, hard, physical labor!
Cake break.
A toast to Randy the birthday guy, Ira the WWOOFer, and our wonderful greenhouse crew.
Assemblage of ladders.
Significant progress also made on my farmers tan today.

Thanks, kind, hardworking friends!

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