Tuesday, September 22, 2015

High Culture + Agriculture

Over Labor Day weekend, Squash Blossom Farm served as the venue for Mixed Precipitation Theater's traveling operetta, Escape from Alcina's Island.
The intention was for the operetta to be performed in the garden (which I had been weeding like crazy all week in anticipation), but the weather was  rainy so we moved it into the empty greenhouse. Not quite so colorful as the garden, but much drier.
Our photographer friend Richard Dallemolle documented the event. These are a few of his photos of the operetta and food served during the production (thus, a "Picnic Operetta") to give you a sense of the fun.

Special thanks to Bob and Mary of Driven by Rhythm for performing after the operetta and to Tushar, Connie and Zoe for helping make and serve the pizzas. And thanks to all the audience members, who showed up to enjoy the operetta despite the weather!

This was such  fun event--hope we can host a Picnic Operetta again next summer!

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