Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Farm in the Fog

It's been a while since I have had time or motivation to go out and take photos for the blog--it has been so dreary and muddy.  Not that I really have time today, but it was such a beautiful, foggy morning I couldn't resist. Chickens breaking fast.
The garden awaits! Still too wet to do anything in there, but it is supposed to get to 60 degrees today, so it won't be long! Rhubarb, garlic and allium are up a couple inches.
The edges of the little pond have melted. Yesterday the ducks were happily swimming circles around the big iceberg in the center of the pond. This morning when I walked  down to take this photo I scared up a pair of wild mallards swimming. After today's predicted warmth, I bet the ice will be totally gone by tonight.
Daffodils are coming up all around the perimeter of the pond. I don't know how they survive in that heavy clay but  this is their third year and  they keep expanding.
The big rock--I have intentions of  planting so many more wild flowers here this spring.
From the hill of the septic mound. This is the view the big bison sculpture will have when he gets moved here.
A couple more images of the farm buildings in the fog.

Now, off to work!!

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