Thursday, September 12, 2013

More Mosaic Progress

We have been working industriously on the clay oven mosaic.  It is such a joy to work with such creative, wonderful people, plus, if I were doing it all myself, it would never be finished!  Stephanie and Elizabeth working on the Garden side of the oven.
Jerry, filling in the background of the Garden with blue tiles.
Laurel applying the barn design to the Farm Critters side of the oven.
We worked until it got too dark--and then some. Daryn and Laurel  working on the Farm Critter  panel beneath a shop light.
The Pond side has all the tiles adhered. The entire oven is almost completely tiled, but it will still be  a huge job to scrub off the excess mortar from the the tesserae and then grout everything.
A bit of tiling yet to complete on the garden panel.
The Farm Critter side.
Detail: Garden Gnome and Hedgehog.
Detail: Tree
Detail: Fish and Toad


Joanna said...

I love this mosaic oven!

Gardeningbren said...

I am so enjoying wonderful. Such joy in art and sculpture. Thank you for sharing the experience and process.