We are begining to get to know the individual chickens' personalities. We think the dark grey hen in this trio is a blue cochin. She is the bossiest of all the chickens, insisting on everyone getting out of her way until she has eaten the choicest scraps. She prefers to roost on top of the water dispenser at night. She is kind of obnoxious, but we forgive her because she is so darn pretty. Sara and Cadence call the two brown hens "the twins." We can't tell them apart yet, and they are a bit shy. They must be a mixed breed, maybe with some golden Polish in them? They are getting tousled crests on their heads as their feathers grow out.

This morning we awoke to a bit of snow, maybe half an inch. If it is going to be winter, we might as well have snow, that's what I say. Even though it's a gray, gray day, it's so much brighter out than with the bare, brown ground.
1 comment:
those chickens seem to be praying to their personal food-god! and look healthy too, with so much love&caring...
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