Cadence was expecting her second batch of 100 assorted heavy-body chicks to arrive Monday. On the way home from Market she noted that last time the chicks were supposed to arrive on a Monday they got here the Saturday before, so there was a distinct possibility we would have to deal with chicks when we got home. We were so tired from baking until the wee hours of the morning and getting up a few hours later for market that we just wanted to take a little nap and we hope-hope-hoped the chicks would not arrive early.
No such luck. We arrived home to a phone message from the post office that our chicks were in. Cadece had already cleaned and disinfected the stall, but we rushed around finishing setting up the wading pools and heat lamps and then Cadence drove to the post office to pick them up. We felt like old pros unpacking the chicks this time, dipping their beaks into the water to give them their first drink. They look so very tiny compared to the first batch that is now 4 weeks old, living outside in the chicken tractors.
The sweet gosling photo and that last hilarious one are pricesless. I'm not a meat-eater so I'm kind of shielding my eyes when I read your livestock posts, but this one was safe and very cute. When you get to butchering time, can you maybe put a warning on the header or something for me? :) - Karen
Lovely post! The little baby chicks are so adorable. Congrats on your success at the market. Hmmm...nettles? Really?
I've been looking all over the palce to find someone to sell nettle. they are so good and I love to drink nettle tea !!! but i didn't have any luck yet and I hope I will find some in the bush when it starts to get green out there...
the chicks are so adorable !!! you have a wonderful place there :)
Awww chickies! Too cute! The goslings look so adorable cuddled together. Love this post. It totally made me smile.
Excuse for this 'frame being too small' in order to draw the smile that is upon me face.
So impressed by the way of and the possibilities within your life.
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