Cadence cut down many armloads of dried pampas grass and hauled it into the barn for future use as animal bedding.
Sara ended her restaurant prep chef job. She is focusing on finishing her documentary film project and is thinking about doing some small town Farmers Markets.

Cadence has been testing out making various kinds of pasta to sell at the Farmer's market. We have enjoyed being forced to devour her tasty experiments.
On Tuesday, I spent 5 hours mowing the entire estate and afterward it was spectacular-the farm looked like a beautiful park. Then, two days later, dandelions sent up their seedheads everywhere and the estate was a sea of downy dandelion puffs. We don't want to use chemicals to control them--but Rog had a great brainstorm idea: to shop-vac them. It was a clever thought, but turned out to be not very practical for a 5-acre yard.
The ducks and geese are doing their part to control dandelions by feasting on them, but unfortunately they don't seem to like the seeds.
Sunday we filled up one of the kiddie pools and let the goslings swim for the first time. They had a splashing good pool party.
The granary continues to gradually be transformed into a rustic cabin. The next step is to install more windows...then wall insulation... flooring...doors on the north side... bathroom...kitchen...

The ducks and geese are doing their part to control dandelions by feasting on them, but unfortunately they don't seem to like the seeds.

Sunday we filled up one of the kiddie pools and let the goslings swim for the first time. They had a splashing good pool party.
The granary continues to gradually be transformed into a rustic cabin. The next step is to install more windows...then wall insulation... flooring...doors on the north side... bathroom...kitchen...

oh my, 11yrs ago post tornado -- I used shopvac to suck glass out of the grass -- worked like charm -- but the "yard" was a 10x10 patch of weeds next to the office.....corn meal gluten might just do the trick -- not sure on the time -- otherwise, dig, dig, dig
heheh shop vacing the yard thats a great photo!!.
It sounds like you all are having a great time living life, Thanx for sharing your stories :)
wow your pics are phantastic and you guys do such a great job. Congratualtions on the farmers market success. Your bread looks absolutely yummy. It reminds me of good rustic german bread...which I so miss, since I came to Canada... Yorr animals are just adorable...and your pasta curtains...heheheh. They must be yuuummmyyyy :) I really enjoy to come here and read your blog :) thank you so much for sharing :)
I just love reading about your farm and all your animals. The goslings are so adorable.
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