Atop my head, keeping my ears warm is a fleece headband. Love that hairstyle! At least it won't leave me with traditional flat, hat-hair. Mushroom-shaped hair is the cutting edge!
The green quilted jacket is a recent acquisition from my all-time favorite apparel shop, Salvation Army Thrift Store. Of all the assorted farm jackets we have acquired, this is everybody's (except Rog's) favorite winter chore attire--it is warm and spacious enough for movement, yet not bulky. It has knitted cuffs and collar to keep the wind and snow from blowing in, and a hood for when it is really cold. It is quite long, keeping my thighs warm even if I am not wearing long underwear beneath my jeans and it can by tied snug at the bottom against blizzardly blasts. Best of all, it has huge pockets -- perfect for holding tools, cow treats and gathered eggs (as long as you don't forget you put them in there).
My gloves are thermofill-lined red-twill-and-suede work gloves. They perform pretty well, allowing one to pull the twine off the bale of hay or straw and still keep hands reasonably warm. If snowblowing, substitute fur-lined deer-skin chopper mittens and add a face-mask or scarf.
The footwear is one of the very few items of clothing I have purchased new in the past three years--"Muck" brand chore boots. They are absolutely awesome--surprisingly comfortable and breathable to wear in summer, yet extremely warm in winter. You can just step into them - no tedious lacing or zipping. They fit closely around your pant legs at the top so snow doesn't get inside (invaluable!) If wearing them for a dirty chore, like mucking out the pig yard or the cow barn, you can power-wash them off afterwards and they look and smell as good as new. They were pricey, but worth every penny, and should last for years.
I'd love to see a real farmer fashion show someday.
I like the idea of a farmer fashion show!
Mind you, you only have to go to the Stock Market on Sales Day....!!
I had a pair of muck boots once, I loved them too! I definitely need to get another pair of slip on boots, my lace up ones are a hassle.
I secod your love of the Muck Boots. I have a pair of the chore boots as well and they are the best. I wear them almost all year round. Probably too much if you asked my wife. Must not like me wearing them out to certain public places!
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