Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Miserable Drizzle

It has been raining,raining, raining the past two weeks. I swear, I have dumped several inches of water out of this big green wheelbarrow at least once a day. Yes, we needed the rain, but enough already!
The cold, wet, dark fall mornings make it hard to get out of bed and go out to do the chores. But then when I see what the animals have to contend with, my nurturing nature kicks in. How can I complain when I get to go back inside after chores, take a hot shower and change into warm, dry clothes? The soggy turkeys and sopped cows have to just endure the cold drizzle. They seem a bit crabbby about it, too.
This morning, the bedraggled turkeys and the (smarter) chickens were hanging out in the north wing of the barn, out of the wet.
Meanwhile, the oblivious geese and ducks were happily swimming in the ponds and splashing in the puddles. Poor soggy Chuck, the chicken with the identity crisis, accompanied them looking rather miserable.

As I write this, I can hear robins chirruping! They must be northern robins migrating through for winter, but it's nice to pretend just for a minute that they are robins heralding spring in the April showers...

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wouldn't it be great to be a goose on a rainy day :) How are your tomatoes holding up with all that rain?