Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Silly Sisters (and Mom)

My sisters and mom left this morning after the 3rd annual WWWW (Wild W Women Weekend)get-together which I got to host at Squash Blossom Farm. They enthusiastically dove in to help with feeding critters, shopping for a freezer, harvesting tomatoes and preserving them. Here are Liz (from Tucson), Rita (from Billings) my mom, Carol (from Bemidji) and me with 147 lb. of tomatoes we had just harvested that evening, some of which went into the 10 quarts of salsa we canned.

The weekend wasn't totally chores. We squeezed in a bit of antique-ing and shopping, a hike around the property, a little feasting, wine and ice cream, and a lot of laughing. Thanks for the fun weekend and all your hard work, Rit, Bunny & Mom!

TOMATO TALLY: We are up to 809 lb. tomatoes harvested so far. Lots more lovely, big green ones on the vine - we could break 1000 lb.! Frost is forecast for tonight, though.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Sisters are the best! Looks like you gals had a fantastic weekend. I am blown away by the amount of tomatoes you have grown this year.
Will you grow that many next year?