Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let It Blow

Rog is out in the  cold playing with the new snowblower.
A lot of guys might have waited until after noon when the blizzard is supposed to end and the wind might calm a bit, but either his  Minnesota work ethic kicked in or he just couldn't resist the allure of a new toy.
I was already out and fed the critters - not as much fun when you have to wade through  crotch-deep snowdrifts. I brought the  poultry a pot of hot oatmeal with leftover squash soup and some coconut oil stirred in to warm them up. Now I am admiring Rog's work and the beautiful snow from indoors through the frosty windows while my migraine diminishes - triggered, I suspect, by lying awake all night worrying about the stupid guinea hen that refused to go into the barn and instead clung to a high tree branch, whipping around in the bitter wind. I expected to find  him frozen  stiff this morning, but somehow he survived.


katiegirl said...

Aren't guineas frustratingly stupid sometimes? Mine refuse to come into the coop. I'm sure your chickens loved their hot breakfast!

Susan said...

Oh Katie, you aren't kidding! This morning5 guineas were in the trees in the blizzard. Now just three up there, because two got so cold they fell off into the snow bank. I rescued them and put them in a crate in the chicken coop. Waiting for the other three to fall out so I can get them.

Mama Pea said...

We up here in no-snow land are so jealous of your heavy snowfall. For the past few years, the snow keeps going south of us which is so frustrating for two people who love snow as much as we do.

I've yet to hear much about the (non?) intelligence of guineas. ;o) 'Course, up until a couple of weeks ago we had a rooster and three hens who were roosting in the trees at night.

Beautiful pictures. Send any extra snow you have our way.

Leslie Lyne Zantow said...

I had guineas a number of times and most of the time they were just plain crazy. They also would roost in the trees during Wisconsin ice storms. I would worry and go out with a broom, shake the tree branches, throw things at the branches. The raccoons ate the ones in the trees. I did have one wonderful guinea hen. They are much more tolerable if there is only one. His name was Quasar and he had a mate, Xena who was killed by a raccoon. He stood near the spot she died for weeks, calling to her. He finally came in the hen house and befriended Ezechial the Black Australorp rooster. After that he was the chicken guard. He behaved himself, stopped chasing and pecking at people. He was an interesting bird to have around. Always first on top the hen house to call to me to open the outside gate. Always last in the door at night. I found him dead laying half in a hoof print of mud. My neighbor was a taxidermist and was looking for guineas for the african wildlife museum in Arcadia. I gave him Quasar. He did an autopsy and couldn't find any reason why he died. He did stuff him and he now stands under the nose of a rhino in the museum. Mr. Brush wouldn't let Mike, the neighbor put a name plate on Quasar. Which I thought was the least he could do. I guess Quasar lives in infamy now. Fitting for one of the best guineas ever.

Leslie Lyne Zantow said...

Susan, you have a wonderful little farm. It brings back wonderful memories of my own. I used to raise goats, sheep, horses and chickens and a large garden. I miss all of it dearly. Though, I do have a garden space and its getting bigger all the time. I live in a small village now and am working on changing the chicken laws so I can have hens next spring.

Susan said...

Leslie- You are not so far away--You should come visit this spring. I am working on an idea to have a little farm store in the granary selling ours and nearby small farmers' produce, eggs, jams, honey, etc, and local artists' work. Let's talk!