Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Harvest Monday: Asparagus and Eggs

The asparagus is up!  Even the purple asparagus, which I just planted  last year as 2-year-old roots.
This is the  second year for the green asparagus (Martha Washington) and we only harvested a few spears last year, so I  am hoping for a more abundant  harvest this year. It was well-disguised in the weeds and grass--we never got to cleaning up the poor asparagus bed last fall.

I LOVE asparagus, but have never grown it before.  I  knew it took several years to establish a bed and I never anticipated we would stay long enough in any one place  to make it worth the wait (but then we ended up staying in the last two homes 10 and 12 years.)  Asparagus was the very first thing I planted when we moved to the farm, but then we got cows and it turned out I had planted it in the pasture --so I had to start over.  Finally, at age 54, I have asparagus!!
We are now getting about  3 dozen eggs a day from our sweet hens, so...
the obvious supper tonight was scrambled eggs with spinach and scallions from the high tunnel, steamed asparagus, and whole grain toast. We dined outside on the patio,  despite the gale-force wind, because at least it was a tropically warm wind, and how often can you eat home-grown asparagus and scrambled eggs outside in March in Minnesota?

I have just joined Harvest Monday and will attempt to report on our weekly harvest. Check out what other gardeners harvested today at  Daphne's Dandelions.


Snooks said...

Outstanding! Love all of those eggs. Someday soon we'll have some. Not as many as 3 dozen a day but we will have eggs!
Enjoy your warm temps over there.

@ 3Beeze Homestead

Melissa said...

You asparagus is absolutely gorgeous and looks incredibly delicious!!! Enjoy!

Clint Baker said...

Looks like a great harvest and breakfast!ignmendiickti

Daphne Gould said...

I harvested my first ever asparagus last week too. I planted last spring. I'm only harvesting the ones from the female plants this year (they were supposed to be all male, but that didn't happen). They will get ripped up when more plants show up. The others will wait for a harvest until next year. I never did photograph and weigh them. But they were yummy.

Marcia said...

Susan - I can't believe you came to Harvest Monday by way of me. I have such miniscule harvest compared to what you have. I think you have been touting them very well already. Glad that others can now see all the wonderful things you are doing on your farm. I do enjoy reading your blog.

Unknown said...

I am drooling! YUM! I have the same asparagus problem! I can't seem to ever plant it somewhere, where it can just be left alone and the designated asparagus bed!!

Susan said...

I just realized after posting "Wordless Wednesday" this morning that I posted "Harvest Monday" on Tuesday. That just goes to show I am no longer very in tune with civilized life with calendars and watches!