That's not incuding the 2 quarts we made last week, cooking it for five days over a fire. That syrup turned out much darker, with a more molasses-y and very smoky taste: good, reminiscent of camping, but not what we expected.

Some people use outdoor electric turkey fryers to boil down the sap, and I decided to investigate that option. I found this boiler/fryer that seemed to be even better than a turkey fryer because it has more surface area for evaporation and we can potentially use it for other purposes, such as cooking sweet corn for a big picnic, hosting a fish boil, or perhaps scalding chickens after butchering.

We have boiled about 37 gallons of sap from two big silver maple trees and it has taken 1 1/2 tanks of LP gas at $19/tank.

WOW! Beautiful bounty! And very Impressive too! Looks like a scrumptious breakfast.
Your syrup looks like it would be delicious. When I was a little girl, my friend's father tapped some maple trees just off a public but secondary road. He only ever made enough syrup for their own use, but it was wonderful! Good for you!
felicitaciones por el syrup..se ve delicioso...
Wow. What a fantastic adventure. I can just see you grinning from ear to ear. Thanks for sharing these. Going to read your entire blog.
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