All weekend , our family discussed what kind of cows we should get. Finally, today we decided upon a Dexter cow and her new calf (for milk) and 2 Jersey bull calves to be raised as steers (someday for meat). When I called Debbie at Dream River Farm to confirm our decision, she said that Lariette, their bred heifer for sale, was ready to calve, most likely today.

I mentioned to Debbie that we would love to be there for the birth and she said she would give us a call when it seemed close. Tonight, just as we were cooking supper, she called. We abandoned our meal and drove the 30 miles. When we got there the calf had just dropped and the mother was cleaning him off, but we got to see him stand on his wobbly legs for the first time and take his first steps, with Bob the bull peering in through the door.
The calf is about 50 pounds and SO darling! The mother and calf will move to our farm in a week or so. Tomorrow afternoon, Cadence and I hope to pick up the two Jersey calves from a dairy famer in Lanesboro. We are almost a real farm, with cows and everything!
How wonderful! Will they have names?
Congratulations! So precious.
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