It was almost midnight and we were all asleep except for Sara, the insomniac daughter, working on her computer. Suddenly there was a terrible commotion--squawking and clucking and quacking. The male duck especially was in a state of agitation. Sara ran downstairs and went outside to investigate.
There, in the driveway, she saw a dark form. It was the terror of the night- the great-horned owl- and he had the female duck in his talons. Sara approached and the owl turned his head to look at her, then let go and flew off.
The duck sat very still, probably in shock. Sara stroked the duck and her hand became covered with blood. Sara was certain the duck would not make it through the night but a bit later she checked on her again and the duck had managed to move to a sheltered spot beneath the hammock. The duck remained there all day. This afternoon when I took her food and water she got up stiffly and waddled away with the male. (She is the top duck in the photo.) Perhaps she will be ok.
Now I feel guilty for chasing all the birds away from the patio, the place they must believe to be the safest spot on the farm.