Sometimes there are so many interruptions to getting my work done. Just now, the dairy farm across the road phoned that our Dexter cow and calf had gotten out and were visiting them. I grabbed some cow cookies, a bucket with a bit of corn, the cow halters and my camera and ran there. If nothing else, becoming a farmer has helped me get in better shape. A year ago I am not sure I could have run all the way there without serious huffing and puffing.
When I got there, all the holstein heifers were congregated by the fence, curious about our little cattle. I got Lariat and Lasso's halters on them, but they were not in the mood to be led home yet and not really interested in the treats.

Lariat introduced herself to the heifers. I don't know why she periodically gets out but I suspect perhaps she is in heat and restless. She is pretty clever about escaping. I wish she wouldn't teach Lasso her tricks.

Finally I convinced Lariat, or she decided, to return home, running along the road in the ditch with Lasso not too far behind. She always seems quite self-satisfied after these little escapades.
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