My exhibit of farm -life-inspired paintings is now up through August at the Jon Hassler Gallery in Plainview. This show is kind of an eclectic batch of paintings with diverse experimental styles--maybe that parallels our novice farming approach. I titled the show "Green Thumb" because the phrase plays with three key aspects of my life lately--gardening, painting, and trying to live in a more green manner. Here are a few images from the show:

The paintings star many of our farm critters, such as Pink the pig...

Chuck Dickens, the chicken who thinks he is a duck. and his two black runner duck associates...

a chicken brandishing a feather...

a woman who resembles her Toulouse goose....

our three geese singing together (they came over and posed for me as I was painting.)

A wacky take on Botticelli's Birth of Venus--my "Birth of a Farmer." Cadence suggested the farmer tan. This is a rather large piece and I couldn't get a glare-free shot under the gallery lights.
farmer tan....perfect!
I love your paintings. What a wonderful way to capture your adventures on the farm. Chick Dickens is my favorite :)
Those are great paintings! I love the one of the pig, and the geese! I love the way the chick seems to be dancing along behind the ducks.
I like them all! The idea of a gardener's tan is great! Many of these painting caused me to smile. Good!
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