A small, diverse permaculture farm (and now, Bakery!) in beautiful SE Minnesota - our dream come true life focused on Local Food, Local Art, Local Music.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Feather Frost
Nature has been playing variations on the theme "Frost" this week - today everything was covered with delicate white fluff that Cadence described as being like feathers. The frost was also very fragile. I discovered I could blow gently from four feet away and it would flutter like snow to the ground. Photographs cannot really capture how magical it is to walk through this landscape, but I'll post them anyway.
In September 2008, we dived into our dream of creating a small, sustainable farm. Neither of us has previous farming experience, but we have enthusiasm and many ideas for this little 10-acre farmstead.
Oh my goodness! It's a winter wonderland. Those pictures would make amazing notecards. Especially with your beautiful barns in the background.
Yes, those pictures with the bright red barns would be great notecards! Beautiful!
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