I think Rog was a bit happy I got home a couple days early so he didn't have to do chores today. Together we slip-slid the garbage and recycling bins down the driveway to the road for collection, then he headed out for work and I tackled chores.
Our farm is at the crest of a slight hill, so it is a downhill slide to the barn, coop and loafing shed to tend the critters.
My greatest concern is for the cows. They can't get much purchase on the ice with those little hooves. I worry that they will slip and wrench a leg out of joint. I wish there were yaktrax for cows.
The chickens, duck and goose have been sliding all over the place, too. On the bright side, it is easy to peck up all the chicken feed and grain when it is scattered on top of the hard ice.
The ice is thick and smooth enough that you actually could ice skate on it! Maybe I will try it later today, if I can find my skates. I haven't used them for decades but I think I still have a pair somewhere...
We woke to ice yesterday morning but it was a sleet and rain mix. Warming temperatures chnaged it all to rain. Now its heading to the 60s before dropping at the end of the week.
Be careful on your ice.
The thick ice everywhere looks amazing. I can say that because I am not walking on it. Boy oh boy I bet it is work just to stay upright and not slip and fall on all of that ice. Crazy that it is so thick like that. We have had the freezing rain like that before but not as much as you have. Stay safe and warm.
@ 3Beeze Homestead
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