Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Intern-al Workings

Saturday after the Farmer’s Market, we said farewell to Jessica, our 3-day-a-week WWOOFer since April.  She is off to experience other farms.  We will definitely miss her! Not to mention,  her meticulous weeding and wonderful baking. The critters, especially the cats, are bereft.
Late Sunday night, our 2011 interns, Bethany and Brendan arrived to spend a work day and do some wedding logistics planning. They awoke at dawn Monday morning to help me round up the meat chickens; it was the day of the dreaded event, the trip to the poultry processor.
Brendan caught the escapee.
Forty two meat chickens and three  additional roosters ready for their last adventure.  These are  Poulet Rouge/Freedom Ranger  chickens, and they have been such amiable and funny birds. They sound like kazoons when they crow, which is especially endearing.  They had become quite large, so will make generous, delicious roast chicken dinners. Even though I  have raised meat birds many times now, I still cried a bit when I delivered them.
While I drove the truckload of chickens to the processor, Bethany and Brendan weeded. It was a hot, sultry day and they took a well-deserved break in the shade of the grapevine. Their wedding (at Squash Blossom Farm!  is just  a month away, and they radiate happiness.
Hey, I saw that.
In the afternoon we sat down and talked wedding details.  So organized, Bethany has a portfolio of planning spreadsheets on Google docs. Everything looks under control so far, It is going to be so much fun.

All day, WWOOFer Lynette worked in the steamy hot kitchen, roasting and then freezing pans of tomatoes and making cheese.  I mowed the yard and pastures and when Rog got home he mowed the trail, where he found this beautiful, perfect giant puffball, which we shall eat tonight. Lynette was delighted - she is a major mushroom fan.


Bethany Ringdal said...

ooh, you're so sweet to us! Will you send me the pictures you took of us? I don't have nearly enough documentation that we exist.

Susan said...

Photos coming, Bethany!

The Ringdals said...

And then Bethany, send them to me, so I can put the in your book...