Finally, this morning as I was doing the chores, I got a clue to what the trouble might be --I heard coyotes yipping out in the woods. Then, tonight when Sara left for her class, she called from her cell to tell us she had just seen the silhouette of a dog-like shape run quickly along the outside of the barn and into the woods - a coyote? So now we are a bit less annoyed by Cocoa's behavior--she is doing her job -- and we are a bit more worried about the safety of our poultry.
Tonight after the possible coyote sighting I went back out to double-check that the chicken coop and barn were securely shut. Yep, they were. Hopefully the coyotes are just passing through and won't settle in and drive Cocoa totally bonkers.
they are nasty varmits....and since their turf is being invaded they are moving into ours....they love the taste of chix .... they play with the watermelons....
After two coyotes killed a 19 year old girl on a hiking trail in Cape Breton, I'm much more wary of them than I might have been before. I hope all your critters stay safe...and kudos to your pooch!
Good girl, Cocoa!
Sounds like Cocoa was working hard while you were trying to sleep. Now, apologize to her and see what you can do to send those pesky coyotes on their way. Good dog Cocoa.
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