Rog finished before I did and went inside to shower. When I finished my chores I discovered he had inadvertently locked me out! I knocked and hollered for quite some time before he finally exited the shower, heard me, came downstairs and let me in. I was glad it was +20F, not -20F! (He sweetly atoned by making me breakfast and my favorite iced mocha.)
By 7:45 a.m., we had snowblown, done the chores, fed the cats and dogs, washed a load of laundry, rinsed the sprouts, showered, and eaten breakfast. We should get up this early every day and accomplish so much.
Very ambitious! Hope you had energy for the rest of the day!
Wow, very productive! I always wish I could get up earlier, but I always jump out of bed at the last minute.
Wow, you put in a day before the rest of the world was rolling out of bed. I don't know if I would enjoy all that snow. It's beautiful but I doubt I'd like shoveling it before breakfast.
Wow! All that before 7:45? That's great! That snowblower looks like fun :)
I've nominated your blog for a Honest Scrap award. Tag, you're it!
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